Hot Solar Water Algarve

Servicing & Maintenance

Hot Solar Water systems (and hot water tanks in general) need servicing and maintaining ideally once a year, at minimum every 18 – 24 months.

Regular servicing and preventative maintenance will result in more efficiency, extended lifespan, cost savings and peace of mind.

After a very hot summer there is a good chance some of the glycol will have escaped and will need topping up.

Due to high mineral content of water, calcification occurs in tanks and on elements and needs removing regularly.

Dirty solar panels also reduces the amount of thermal energy that gets transferred – regular cleaning is recommended.


When water is heated it can cause minerals present in the water to turn from a dissolved state into solid particles. These particles accumulate on the inner surfaces of the water tank, heating elements and plumbing components.

This can lead to several issues, including reduced heating efficiency, longer heating times, damage to heating elements and pipe blockages.

It can also reduce the amount of hot water available and increase energy costs because the heating system has to work harder to heat the water.


When water and different types of metal meet, electrolysis occurs.

Add to this the fact that dissolved minerals in water act as a conductor of electricity and you have an exchange of electrons, which causes metals to corrode and break down over time.


The anode, also known as a sacrificial rod, is made of a metal that is more “attractive” to corrosion than the metal used in the tank. In essence, the anode “sacrifices” itself to protect the tank.

Over time, as the anode corrodes, it becomes less effective at protecting your water tank.

Glycol (heat transfer fluid)

Over time glycol degrades due to exposure to high temperatures.

This degradation can reduce its heat transfer efficiency, breakdown its corrosion inhibitors and lower its ability to prevent freezing.

In hot weather the glycol also helps prevent overheating of the solar collector panel. If the glycol isn’t filled properly or functioning correctly, it can’t dissipate heat effectively, potentially causing damage to the system and reducing its efficiency.

Dirty Solar Panels

When dirt and dust builds up on the solar collector heat transfer efficiency is greatly reduced and you may be using electricity to top up and maintain temperatures unnecessarily.